Job Description

We’d like to expand our social media ministry, using platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, vlogs, and tools like SD cards and Lightstream Pocket, to distribute video, images and simple message content relevant to the recipient. Smartphones are widely available in our country. Social Media is a great tool to make our God known to the people. Use your knowledge of these media platforms with your spiritual gifts to share God’s message of salvation more widely. Enable our missionaries and the local African church to grow in their knowledge of this platform, in order to make better use of media.


Basic knowledge and experience in the area of graphics, video and social media. Good fluency in English language, and a passion and gift in sharing your faith with young people. You will also enjoy supporting and training our teams with other IT problems and questions, as time permits, to be a real blessing in that way too.

Time commitment

Mininum 2 years

Tasks: Evangelism & Church Planting IT & Media
Continent: Africa
Country: Gambia
Category: longterm

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